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Billet destiné à tous ceux qui pensent que les blogueurs sont de gentils amateurs

Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)

  • Secret Blogging Seminar (subsection) - Scott Carnahan (MIT, Cambridge-USA), Joel Kamnitzer (U. Toronto), Scott Morrison (UC Berkeley), Chris Schommer-Pries (UC Berkeley), Noah Snyder (UC Berkeley), David E. Speyer (MIT, Cambridge-USA), A.J. Tolland (UC Berkeley), Ben Webster (U. Oregon)

Algebraic Topology (math.AT)

  • Secret Blogging Seminar (subsection) - Scott Carnahan (MIT, Cambridge-USA), Joel Kamnitzer (U. Toronto), Scott Morrison (UC Berkeley), Chris Schommer-Pries (UC Berkeley), Noah Snyder (UC Berkeley), David E. Speyer (MIT, Cambridge-USA), A.J. Tolland (UC Berkeley), Ben Webster (U. Oregon)


Analysis of PDEs (math.AP)


Classical Analysis and ODEs (math.CA)

Category Theory (math.CT)

  • Secret Blogging Seminar (subsection) - Scott Carnahan (MIT, Cambridge-USA), Joel Kamnitzer (U. Toronto), Scott Morrison (UC Berkeley), Chris Schommer-Pries (UC Berkeley), Noah Snyder (UC Berkeley), David E. Speyer (MIT, Cambridge-USA), A.J. Tolland (UC Berkeley), Ben Webster (U. Oregon)
  • The n-Category Café - John Baez (UC Riverside), David Corfield (U. Kent, Canterbury), Urs Schreiber (U. Hambourg)


Combinatorics (math.CO)

  • SymOmega - John Bamberg, Michael Giudici and Gordon Royle (University of Western Australia)


Commutative Algebra (math.AC)


Complex Variables (math.CV)


Differential Geometry (math.DG)

Dynamical Systems (math.DS)


Functional Analysis (math.FA)

  • Epsilonica - Matthew Heath (IST, Lisbon, Portugal)

General Mathematics (math.GM)


General Topology (math.GN)


Geometric Topology (math.GT)

  • Secret Blogging Seminar (subsection) - Scott Carnahan (MIT, Cambridge-USA), Joel Kamnitzer (U. Toronto), Scott Morrison (UC Berkeley), Chris Schommer-Pries (UC Berkeley), Noah Snyder (UC Berkeley), David E. Speyer (MIT, Cambridge-USA), A.J. Tolland (UC Berkeley), Ben Webster (U. Oregon)


Group Theory (math.GR)

  • SymOmega - John Bamberg, Michael Giudici and Gordon Royle (University of Western Australia)


History and Overview (math.HO)


Information Theory (math.IT)


K-Theory and Homology (math.KT)


Logic (math.LO)


Mathematical Physics (math.MP)

  • EMPG Blog - current members and alumni of the Edinburgh Mathematical Physics Group (Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt)
  • Secret Blogging Seminar (subsection) - Scott Carnahan (MIT, Cambridge-USA), Joel Kamnitzer (U. Toronto), Scott Morrison (UC Berkeley), Chris Schommer-Pries (UC Berkeley), Noah Snyder (UC Berkeley), David E. Speyer (MIT, Cambridge-USA), A.J. Tolland (UC Berkeley), Ben Webster (U. Oregon)


Metric Geometry (math.MG)


Numerical Analysis (math.NA)


Number Theory (math.NT)

  • Noncommutative Geometry - Alain Connes (IHES, France), Masoud Khalkhali (U. Western Ontario), David Goss (Ohio State U.)
  • Secret Blogging Seminar (subsection) - Scott Carnahan (MIT, Cambridge-USA), Joel Kamnitzer (U. Toronto), Scott Morrison (UC Berkeley), Chris Schommer-Pries (UC Berkeley), Noah Snyder (UC Berkeley), David E. Speyer (MIT, Cambridge-USA), A.J. Tolland (UC Berkeley), Ben Webster (U. Oregon)


Operator Algebras (math.OA)

  • Noncommutative Geometry - Alain Connes (IHES, France), Masoud Khalkhali (U. Western Ontario), David Goss (Ohio State U.)


Optimization and Control (math.OC)


Probability (math.PR)

Quantum Algebra (math.QA)


Representation Theory (math.RT)

  • Secret Blogging Seminar (subsection) - Scott Carnahan (MIT, Cambridge-USA), Joel Kamnitzer (U. Toronto), Scott Morrison (UC Berkeley), Chris Schommer-Pries (UC Berkeley), Noah Snyder (UC Berkeley), David E. Speyer (MIT, Cambridge-USA), A.J. Tolland (UC Berkeley), Ben Webster (U. Oregon)


Rings and Algebras (math.RA)


Spectral Theory (math.SP)


Statistics (math.ST)


Symplectic Geometry (math.SG)



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Software and publishing


Popularization of mathematics

  • Numb3rs - Mark Bridger (Northwestern)

Other applications of mathematics


Miscellaneous / Uncategorized


Theoretical Computer Science blogs

Please see this page.


Page source: ICI


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